Saturday, December 24, 2011

Don 2 [2011]

Dude. SRK is finally back. Finally. Yep.

This is the SRK we expected to see in Ra One. But our expectations were bombarded with a badly executed movie. But anyhow, what's done is done. But here we have the movie, which revives the SRK-magic that we all were missing to witness.

Don 2 is cut-to-the-chase, thrilling and stars the SRK we desperately wanted to see. I actually didn't have much expectations from the movie. Because sequels in bollywood are just revenue generators sustaining on hype.

But Don 2 is the sequel that lives up to the hype it generated. The plot is just too damn full proof. SRK delivers. I thought that he's too damn old now. But when you see him on screen, you're convinced that THE man is a star.

The only flaw is that Don 2 drags a little. In order to justify the complex plot that's shown in the movie.

But by the time movie ends, you're convinced that Farhan Akhtar is a fine film maker and SRK is a star indeed. And stars continue to sparkle till the end of time.

My rating- 3/5

PS- I saw the movie in 3D. I tried many times to hug my irresistable Piggy Chops. But failed. Sigh.

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