Monday, January 21, 2013

Whatever Works

I’ve come to realize that there are comedy movies and then there’s a Woody Allen movie. Yes.
Whatever Works has that signature Woody Allen way of tickling your funny bone (A previous example being “Annie Hall”)

Another interesting way with which the movie stands out is Allen’s interesting way of storytelling. He keeps his movies as real as possible and comes out with such comical moments that you’ll have to pause the movie and finish your laugh first.

Even the story telling is different, the screen play isn’t conventional and the story never loses its pace.
Whatever Works is a comedy that you can watch any time you really want to laugh those laughs out without forcing them out.

Whatever Works works for me.

My Rating- 3/5

PS- Watch this even for Larry Davis. He totally nails the role.

"whatever love you can get and give, whatever happiness you can filch or provide, every temporary measure of grace, whatever works. "

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